Our Corporate Wellness Packages
Our Corporate Wellness Packages address specific organizational needs.
We are happy to customize the package to best suit the needs of your organization.

Getting Started with the SPIRE Model
This package covers the concept of whole person wellbeing and dedicates multiple sessions digging into each aspect of wellbeing and inspiring employees to take on habits to foster wellbeing.
Includes the following:
1:1 consultation to better understand the current state of employee wellbeing and company’s goals
Total of 6 sessions over several weeks
5 sessions include interactive workshops about physical, emotional, relational, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing
1 session specifically focused on the implementation of practices around building habits and using positive rituals to improve wellbeing for the long-run
Supplementary materials such as wellness toolkits, videos and e-books

Remote Working Wellness & Productivity Package
The Remote Working Wellness & Productivity Package covers productivity and wellness from a management perspective – specifically catered to remote workers/ individuals working from home.
Includes the following:
1:1 consultation to better understand the current HR system practices, assessments of productivity and wellness and company’s goals
Total of 5 sessions over several weeks
4 sessions include interactive workshops about the best practices and tools for productivity and deep work, boosting employee engagement for remote workers, the role of management, leadership and company culture
1 session specifically tailored to the company’s obstacles in remote working discussed during the consultation and through collection of feedback over the program
Supplementary materials such as toolkits, videos and e-books

Boosting Employee Engagement and Morale Package
The Boosting Employee Engagement and Morale Package assesses the current state employee engagement and introduces managers to positive psychology interventions to increase engagement in the long-run.
Includes the following:
1:1 consultation to better understand the current HR system practices, assessments of employee engagement metrics
Total of 4 sessions over several weeks
3 sessions include interactive workshops about positive psychology interventions to boost job satisfaction, empowering employees to find meaning and purpose in the organization, and the role of leadership
1 session specifically tailored to the company’s obstacles in employee engagement discussed during the consultation and through collection of feedback over the program
Supplementary materials such as toolkits, videos and e-books

Business Skills in a Post-Pandemic World
The Post-Pandemic Business Skills package is a 5-session package that covers top skills required to succeed in a post-pandemic working environment.
Includes the following:
Presenting Like a Professional On Zoom
Emotional Resilience
Thriving Under Pressure
Positive Change Management
Mindfulness In a Frantic World

Positivity Package
The Positivity Package is a 3-Part Workshop Series designed for organizations to provide employees with easy, practical wellbeing tools to manage their stress, reduce the overall negativity, to stay positive, healthy and engaged.
Includes the following:
Create Fun & Joy Whilst Relieving Stress through Laughter Yoga
Positive Rituals To Boost Vitality, Engagement & Performance
Character Strengths In The Workplace