Soft Skills Training
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Mindfulness in a Frantic World
Discover the benefits of mindfulness in an ever-evolving frantic world and learn how to apply these practices to improve focus, productivity and performance
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1.5 Hours
Principles of Productivity
Work Smart and Improve Productivity
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1 to 1.5 hours
Presenting Like a Professional on Zoom
Learn the skills to keep your remote audience engaged during a virtual presentation.
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1 hour
Character Strengths
Discover your character strengths and learn how to apply them to your career, relationships and journey towards self-improvement.
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1.5 hours
Mindfulness to Boost Creativity
Boost Creativity and Problem-solving through Mindfulness.
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45 to 60 mins
SPIRE Wellbeing for Managers
Understand the different elements of wholeperson wellbeing and how you can integrate them into your leadership style.
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2 hours
Mindfulness to Maximize Focus
Use Mindfulness to improve Mental Focus and Productivity at your Organization.
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45 to 60 minutes
Present to Persuade
This workshop covers the best practices for persuasion including selecting and organizing content, use of stories, delivery and building a relationship with your audience that helps you seal the deal.
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1.5 Hours
From Distress to De-stress
Understand what stress is, how our body reacts to it, the best coping mechanisms and rituals that help you with stress management
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1.5 hours
Dealing With Distractions
Learn how to minimize distractions and achieve optimal focus to reach your goals.
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1.5 Hours
The Mindset for Success
With the pressure to perform at work, a failure is never an easy experience. This workshop focuses on the differences between a growth and fixed mindset and how to cultivate the former.
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1 to 1.5 hours