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Pillars of Wellbeing
A Collaboration with Common Core Department at the University of Hong Kong,
the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) at Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
and the Office of Student Affairs at Lingnan University


In Life, Do We
Survive or Thrive?
In September 2021, Inspire2Aspire Consulting teamed up with the Common Core Department at the HKU to introduce a new initiative in line with UN SDG #3: Good Health and Wellbeing.
We started a Workshop Series: Pillars of Wellbeing.
The 8-Part Workshop Series is about the S.P.I.R.E. Model developed by the Wholebeing Institute, namely Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational and Emotional Wellbeing. We look into the science of human flourishing - and how it translates into happiness, success, performance, self-leadership, confidence and great relationships in life.
A Combination of Theory and Application. Learn how wellbeing, happiness and success are linked to each other.
A record 200+ participants signed up for the sessions in total, including Undergraduates, Postgraduates, and HKU Staff. Workshops were hybrid, with participants attending face-to-face and online.
In Feb 2022, we expanded to conduct workshops in collaboration with the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) at Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. We also added a Digital Wellbeing Module and a session about the Neuroscience of Habit Formation.
In April 2022, we expanded our initiative to Lingnan University as well.
We've reached over 500 students since our launch.

Photos from Previous Sessions

What to Expect from the Workshop Series
Inspire2Aspire is one of Common Core's Learning Partners
Learn More:
Inspire2Aspire's collaboration with Hang Seng University of Hong Kong's Institute of Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL):
An Inspire2Aspire-Lingnan University Collaboration in Apr 2022:
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